3dsiso pokemon neo y cia
3dsiso pokemon neo y cia

3dsiso pokemon neo y cia 3dsiso pokemon neo y cia

I manually installed by copy pasting the contents of 1.05 romfs into a and then full version of 1.05 romfs (in that order since it was unclear what exactly to put into it) into a as well replacing any files needed. Was using Y patch 1.5 and version 1.05 of Neo Y. So uh, I loaded this up, picked the female trainer, and picked Fennekin. Most of these are optional and are initiated by seeking out and talking to trainers in areas - Eg Santalune Forest You now have more battles with Shauna, Tierno and Trevor. Elemental admins are much stronger and use diverse teams according to their element Team flare have a new ranking order (Leader Lysandre - Deputy Leader Xerosic - four Elemental admins - Commanders - Grunts) All Pokemon eggs now hatch extremely quickly Pokemon who can mega evolve such as Mawile will have a small chance of carrying their respective stone Pokemon who needed to be traded to evolve can now be evolved by alternate methods (usually by level up) HMs such as cut have had their typing changed and BP boosted Disarming voice and Bubble/bubblebeam are now Physical moves because the game severely lacked physical moves for Water and Fairy Pokemon making them useless in the beginning of the game. A lot of Pokemon have had their level up moveset edited to either match that of ORAS or improve those who didn't have a great moveset to begin withĪ few moves themselves have been edited. Many Pokemon have had their stats slightly edited to make them comparatively viable Some have also had their typing edited Eg Golduck is now Water/Psychic Pokemon who had comparatively non-beneficial abilities have been given a new set entirely Most Pokemon now have easy access to their Hidden abilities. All previously unavailable Pokemon are now included - Eg Rattata All 721 Pokemon now available in one playthrough. Pokemon (See documentation for detailed information).There are a greater number of rotation, double and triple battles The get progressively tougher in terms of amount of Pokemon, IVs, Mega-Evolution, movesets and items Gym leaders have been significantly upgraded. Many trainers now have a greater amount of Pokemon with custom movesets, higher IVs and items

3dsiso pokemon neo y cia

A more consistent but much harder level curve to greatly increase difficulty

3dsiso pokemon neo y cia